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Imhotep's Pyramid Secret Explains Everything

Secrets of Imhotep's process for chemical based limestone used in constructing the Step Pyramid of Djoser was chiseled in heiroglyphs on a rock called the Famine Stele. It took over 4000 years to decipher Imhotep's pyramid secrets.
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In 2750BC a young gifted boy was born to a well-to-do family in Kemet. Quicky through his extraordinary intellect displayed throughout his education, the boy broke the mold and was allowed to learn from multiple guilds each of which he absorbed at an amazing pace. Eventually he would be included in the school of initiates, a secret school reserved for those who hold the keys to all restricted knowledge in Egypt. It is there, after having aquired initiate level knowledge from virtually all the sciences known to man at the time, that the Pharoah Djoser himself took notice of the young man.

Inscribed in hieroglyphs on the Famine Stele in Aswan, Egypt is Imhotep's process of crafting liguified limestone for pyramid building.

Pharoah Djoser, one of the most successful Pharoah's in Kemet, would ask his new advisor to build him an impossible monument, one that could stand the test of time. A veritable ship that would house him for an eternity on his journey to the afterlife. For any mere mortal these tasks would not be feasible, but this was no ordinary man. This was none other than Imhotep, the African boy who invented medicine and who built the greatest monuments in history in his spare time.

Imhotep was the world's first physician who wrote the physician's oath that modern doctors swear by and was also a priest, scribe, sage, poet, astrologer and a vizier and chief minister to King Djoser (2630-2611 BC). What was his secret? What techique did he pioneer that was so consequential that it lasted through countless civilizations. How did he build the pyramids with exact precision such that it lasted four and a half thousand years.
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The African Pyramid That Could Almost Reach The Moon

Egypt's Great Pyramid has more than 2 million stones. That's three quarters of the way to the moon if you put all those stones in a straight line. The pyramid is perfectly aligned to the stars and our magnetic pole. It's most impressive properties are it's size, durability, and the elusive construction methods used.

An overlooked and misunderstood hieroglyph inscribed on a rock called the Famine Stele held Imhotep's secret to pyramid building, but no one at the time of it's discovery could accurately translate the Egyptian hieroglyph. It wasn't until 1991 that Proffessor Joseph Davidovits, a French materials scientist and expert in geopolymer initiated the hypothesis that the Egyptians would have used a composite material to create the pyramid blocks. Eventually it came to pass that Imhotep's secret to pyramid building was revealed.
The Revelations Of Imhotep
Workers would follow Imhotep's architecture design and pour a limestone mixture into molds to create stone blocks for pyramid building.

An ancient carving on a stone called the
Stela of the Overseer of Artisans Irtisen
The Stela bares hieroglyphs that describe Imhotep's chemical formula for agglomerated blocks of stone.
bears a section known as The Revelations of Imhotep which inscribe Imhotep's chemical formula used to fabricate an agglomerated block of stone, a process called geopolymer pyramid building. The process consisted of two different chemical formulas: a very simple one for the casting of limestone core blocks, and another to produce the high quality stones of the exterior layer.

Imhotep's well thought out process of creating a liquified version of hardened stone gave way to the first of it's kind stone building that would stand the test of time. A liquified limestone material could be poured into molds and later hardened to a desired shape eliminated the need to drag stone blocks weighing several tons each. Imhotep's process made the first pyramid construction an almost effortless endeavor.

Imhotep is considered the world's first architect who built Egypt's first pyramid
(the Step Pyramid of Djoser)
The Step Pyramid was Egypt's first stone structure and the blue print by which all other Egyptian structures would be built.
His work with limestone became the blue print for working with other materials such as concrete. His pyramid design process has been easily reproduced many times over.

Click here to see Egypt's pyramids reproduced in other countries. Real world reproductions of Egyptian pyramids based on Imhotep's design architecture can be seen by clicking this link.

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