French philologist Jean-François Champollion told the White world of Egypt's glory.
It didn't take long afterwards for White revisionists from the US and Britain to dispute his discovery
and to glorify Europe by pushing the White supremacy myth.
The revisionists were tasked with rewriting Champollion's narrative to glorify Europe instead of Egypt. They injected a new narrative to make
Black Egyptian's appear to be Erasian (European and Asian mixed). Since Europeans couldn't reproduce Egypt's glory they stole it by inventing
myths and by defacing ancient Egypt's artifacts and statues, the ones with defaced broken noses on display in museums worldwide. They're efforts
to subvert Egypt was intended to only serve as validation for Europe's White Supremacy myth.
Egypt's ancient inhabitants went extinct when the British invaded Africa in 1886, corrupting everything they touched. The British infected Egypt
like a virus bringing with them horrible disease, unclean hygiene and a violent nature that forced the ancient inhabitants to flee for safety. Today the
ancient Egypt we once knew is occupied by Arabs who (like the British) have injected themselves into the Egyptian narrative to steal ancient Egypt's glory
and claim it for themselves.
The DNA Analysis That Proves Egypt's Black Lineage
All Queen's and Pharaoh's of Egypt's early dynasties were multi-colored non-white Africans who built Pyramids,
Sculptures and Monolithic Statues that still stand to this day. Recent 2024 DNA tests on Egyptian mummies revealed Egypt's Pyramid builders were
Black Nubian Pharaoh's of North Africa.
There were no White people in Egypt until the first European invasion by Britain in 1882. Thereafter Egypt was ruled by the British until 1952.
Egypt was contaminated by the British rulers who brought with them sickness, disease and unsavory bathing habits.
The 2024 DNA testing proves Egypt's ancient builders were Black Nubians, not mixed race Eurasians. Europeans pretend to be shocked about the DNA
results, but they've known the truth for centuries and can no longer push the White supremacy myth. DNA has exposed them for the liars they are and still many from the science community deny Egypt's Black ancient ancestry citing contamination of lab specimens.
Whatever excuses Europeans want to push forth, the African people know the truth and they ain't falling for the White man's okey doke. Go kick rocks heritage deniers we don't need your stamp of approval on what is true about our own Black heritage, especially since Europeans can't even trace they're own beginnings.
Egypt's Black Lineage Proven With Drawings & Artifacts
Our drawings and artifacts shown here provide comparisons that prove the Black lineage of ancient Egyptians.
Note the likeness between Egyptian artifacts and drawings when compared adjacent to today's modern African people. There is no mistaking the
African connection between them.
Europeans had never been dressed in this fashion at anytime in they're history until they invaded Egypt in the 1800's. After that time they
assimilated into the Egyptian framework and thereby claimed Egypt as part of the British empire. However by that time Egypt had been well
established thousands of years ahead of the European invasion proving Britain had nothing to do with ancient Black Egypt's rise to glory.